
Welcome to Ledyatt Farm

Ledyatt Farm is a development of five houses in total with four distinct house types. Each home benefits from a generous garden area with paved patio and driveway. Within the development there is an existing paddock in the southwest corner as well as an existing farm building to the east. Situated within the idyllic Angus countryside, the site is bordered by rolling hillsides and fields allowing the site gorgeous panoramic views.

The Developement

From the outset we have sought to create a pleasant, safe, and welcoming community atmosphere that is distinct in its identity. We believe the development to be of a high-quality contemporary design that both reinterprets and is sympathetic to the local character and pattern of development in the surrounding rural Angus area. Several aspects have played a significant role in shaping the site layout such as creating a practical vehicular access route, shaping high-quality private amenity space, and encouraging the perception of communal gardens to creating a welcoming community environment.







Each house type has been tailored to ensure living spaces are oriented either South or Southwest facing to maximise solar gains and enhance the quality of the internal environment. Large, bi-folding doors have been incorporated to provide access to South facing ‘courtyards’ as a means for connecting with the external environment. This connection with the surrounding landscape is further enhanced with strategically placed ‘landscape’ windows, which serve as picture frames, celebrating key views whilst also minimising heat loss through the building fabric.

Whilst the buildings are contemporary by design, they are of an appropriate scale and form and are well suited to the area. The houses are vernacular in form, with pitched roofs and clad in high-quality traditional materials such as smooth cement render, stone, cedral boards and slate helping ground this contemporary proposal in a distinct but familiar aesthetic. Great care was taken within the design process to ensure each house could comfortably achieve an A rating within its energy performance certificate (EPC). This included the consideration of both passive and mechanical means such as proper orientation and appropriate glazing as well as PVC panels and an air source heat pump. This ensured each of the homes within Ledyatt Farm were energy efficient and environmentally considered.